South Pacific Church Planting

We are the church planting arm of the South Pacific Alliance.

Our ministry focus is the lead church planter/couple. 

10 Steps to Church Planting

Our Purpose

Our Purpose is to equip congregations to discover, develop, and deploy leaders to plant healthy reproductive churches that are reaching their communities for Christ. We do that through Greenhouse Environment Training and Support and by providing planters with ACTS: Assessment, Coaching, Training and Support. 

Our Opportunity:

We plant churches throughout our region by responding to the opportunities God brings and raising up leaders. Here are a few of the opportunities we’re leaning into right now:

  • Greenhouse Churches- Healthy churches plant healthy churches. We are leaning into our existing churches and helping them become “Greenhouse Environments” that raise up leaders to plant new churches.
  • Nations in our Neighborhoods- In the South Pacific Alliance region, we have unparalleled opportunities to reach the nations right in our own communities. Forty-four million immigrants live in the U.S., and half of the largest immigrant populations are in our region. God is bringing the nations to our neighborhoods.

God is working through South Pacific Alliance Church Multiplication. Nearly 200 people have come to faith already through these plants.  Meet some of our church planters…

Want to help a church planter?

Here's 10 easy ways to help a planter you know!

Your involvement

Church Planting from a Greenhouse Church

Do you want your church to become a Greenhouse Environment that develops future leaders for the harvest? Are you interested in uncovering how you can help multiply your influence for the Kingdom? In this series of brief videos you will explore practical ways to help your church create a greenhouse environment, a church that helps pastors, church planters and missionaries grow and prepares them for ministry and the mission field. We will look at examples of Greenhouse environments, including both the Church at Antioch and the Gospel Tabernacle, the birthplace of the Alliance. We will give an overview of a proven training path to develop leaders that will reproduce through a 2-3 year leadership track (Look, Learn, Lead, Launch).  And we will spend time looking at very practical ways to support church multiplication right now from your context.

2 Ways to Get Started

Preparing to Plant Online

Preparing to Plant is an online course with designed to help church planters and their teams work through the steps of church planting.  Each section explores the Planter, the Place, the Plan, the People and more.  Preparing to Plant consists of several brief videos that will help leaders discover their plant’s mission, vision, values, strategy and structure, as well as helping them to create a planting timeline.  Prepare to Plant Online consists of several brief training videos that can be completed at the leader’s own pace.

Greenhouse Training Online

Greenhouse Training Online is a video course designed to help pastors equip their congregations to become Greenhouse Churches.  God gifts every church with leaders who have unique gifts.  A Greenhouse Church helps a leader discover, develop, and deploy those gifts into the church, missions, and church planting. Greenhouse Training Online consists of several brief training videos that can be completed at the leader’s own pace.

About the Presenter...

Dave Reynolds is the South Pacific Alliance CP Director and helps coordinate Alliance planting efforts through the Western Church Planting Alliance. Dave and his wife Elena have planted and led three churches that have reproduced multiple times, and he helped establish Northwest Church Planting and Southwest Church Planting. He also served as the Alliance National Church Planting Director where he initiated the Greenhouse movement.

Interested in Church Planting?

We’d love to talk with you. Email Dave Reynolds, Church Planting Director at 

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